Unlimited Channels
€297 Excl. Tax
€359 Incl. Tax
Quick Overview
Get access to all channel feed templates from channel list at www.koongo.com during the support period. By default channels per license are limited by country collection. The product price covers also 12 months support period. Please contact support for more information.
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Unlimited Channels gives you possibility to utilize any channel feed template from Koongo database. You can ask about any data feed templete from our database during valid support period, thus you can add feeds one by one. Start your cross-border sale today!
The license for Koongo Connector is a perpetual license. That means, you can use the connector without any time restrictions. However, the period for Support & Updates is limited and this period you have to choose during connector ordering. As long as your Support & Updates period is valid you are allowed to download the connector updates as well as feed templates and taxonomies updates. You have also the full access to Koongo support team. Once the Support & Updates has expired, you are not allowed to download these updates or get support from Koongo support team, however the connector remains fully functional. More details about licence policy you may find in connector documentation here.